
Saturday, July 17, 2010

6 Months Prego

I am now 6 months pregnant, looking at the picture you can tell i'm carrying her pretty high... I can finally feel her kicking me :) it went from not feeling anything to not being able to get her to stop...It's probably been my favorite part of being pregnant so far, I love feeling her move around! Eric got to feel her about the same time I did and he loves getting to feel her and watch her kick too! I'm starting to get a little uncomfortable at night, but I still sleep pretty good. All the bad things about the first part of pregnancy are gone (smells arent' as bad anymore, I can eat whatever now, headaches aren't as often, I don't throw up at all, etc.) I have another ultrasound on Friday to see if my placenta has gone up, so we are crossing our fingers!

1 comment:

Leia said...

Hey, you look great! I can't believe you still fit in that skirt! I have to stop wearing my normal clothes at about 4 weeks prego. Good luck at your next ultrasound. Glad you guys had fun on your Utah trip.